Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vedic Mahs (Brain Calculator)

Do you love mathematics? Are you good at it? By asking that, what I want to actually ask is "Do you get more than 60% in maths?"If your answers to my above questions is "Yes", then there are good news for you.If your answers to the same is "No", well, then there are good news for you too!If your answer is "yes", then you must be looking forward to improve more in mathematics. And, if your answers is different, then you must be trying hard to improve your mathematical skills.Now, what are those good news?You know, to get something 'good', you have to take 'good' or 'right' steps.So, the first good news is: You have taken the first right step by showing interest and enrolling into Vedic Mathematics Course.This free course will teach you how to do mathematical equations much easier and faster ways. After completing these seven lessons you will learn how to do additions, subtractions, divisions, multiplications of difficult numbers in just few seconds, without the help of any calculator. These lessons are meant for showing you the power of Vedic Mathematics. There are lots more to learn, but you must first check that whether you can solve your mathematical problems easily and quickly using Vedic Mathematics formulas, tricks and techniques.This free course is meant for that. Isn't that a good news?Let me first tell you, what Vedic Mathematics actually is. It is primarily about doing mathematics using formulas mentioned in Atharva Veda. You know that all the Vedas were written by Indian Rishis thousands of years ago. The great Indian Rishis are also called Scientists, you know? Do you know that "zero" was discovered by Indian Rishis? And, if that "zero" was not discovered, computers could not be developed? Because, computers actually understand only two digits, 1 and 0. So, Indian Rishis were truly scientists!Let's come back to Vedic Mathematics again. There are primarily 16 sutras or formulas and some sub-sutras. In combination of all these sutras any mathematical problem, including, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and much higher level problems can be solved in few lines in much easier and faster way. And, in many cases and with continuous practice, results can be found by calculating mentally only.So, let's start with a very easy addition. Try to calculate it mentally.
2 2
+ 2 1
Right you are - it's 43.But, how do we calculate normally? We take the right side digits and add: 2+1=3. Then left side digits: 2+2=4. Then, we say 43. Right? So, we write answers from right to left, but when we say, we say it from left to right.

We can even reduce one step here. Instead of writing (even mentally) right to left, we will write from left to right. So, when we get the first left digit we can start saying our answer.

So, instead of adding 2+1 first, we will add 2+2 first and then 2+1. So, 2+2=4 (say this) and then 2+1=3 (say this). So, you have told the answer 4 3.
Don't fear with these big numbers, these are very easy ones. You can use pen(cil) and paper to write the answers. But try to say it first, then write the complete answer.But, try to calculate it mentally and from left to right. Say then write only the answer. Be silent when you are adding numbers. This will help you to start using your own BCalC. You know what BCalC is? It's pronounced as B Cal C. You know CalC is the short form of Calculator. And B is Brain - your own brain. So, BCalC is your Brain Calculator.Go through your math book or write your own addition questions and see if you can use your BCalC rightly.Using BCalC is not only for calculating mentally, it is for caculating faster also. Initially, it may not be fast at all, but if you practice it regularly, you will see that the speed of calculations of your BCalC will also increase. So, keep an eye on the watch too or ask your friend or parents to record how much time (in seconds) you take to write each answer. Then try to improve in timing. Remember: The more you practice, the faster you calculate.

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